Assessing the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience – Focus Group Opportunity

Sport Wales is looking to find out more about the how PE teachers are assessing the HWB AoLE in the New Curriculum for Wales, and what could be put in place to help teachers across Wales.

We are looking for a group of teachers to take part in some research into current assessment options, and what might be needed in the future.

As part of this research, we are offering a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) session with renowned experts in the field of PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.

We are working together with consultants Dr Liz Durden Myers and Will Swaithes, of PE Scholar, to explore the following area:

– How comfortable are you in assessing Physical Activity in the new curriculum?
– What support would you need to understand assessment/ progression steps in order to better understand HWB AoLE?
– Did you previously use the Sport Wales Dragon Tracker? If so, did you find it helpful/beneficial?

The research would include completion of an insight questionnaire and a discussion (up to 90 minutes) with our education consultants.

To Get Involved

If you would like to take part in this research in order to better understand the HWB AoLe then please email

As a token of our thanks for engaging in this research we are also offering a free online webinar (on a date to be confirmed) with Dr Liz Durden-Myers, Will Swaithes and the Team at PE Scholar to share best practice from colleagues in Wales. Specifically sharing innovative approaches to curriculum design and assessment with real examples from Welsh Schools. This is an opportunity not to be missed.
Mae asesu dysgwyr o fewn y cwricwlwm newydd yn faes arbennig o hanfodol ac mae Chwaraeon Cymru eisiau cael gwybod beth yw’r sefyllfa bresennol, a beth gellid ei roi ar waith i helpu athrawon ledled Cymru.
Rydym yn chwilio am grŵp o athrawon i gymryd rhan mewn rhywfaint o ymchwil i opsiynau asesu cyfredol, a beth allai fod ei angen yn y dyfodol.
Fel rhan o’r ymchwil yma, rydym yn cynnig sesiwn Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP) gydag arbenigwr enwog ym maes gweithgarwch corfforol.
Rydym yn gweithio gyda’r ymgynghorwyr Dr Liz Durden Myers a Will Swaithes, o PE Scholar, i edrych ar y meysydd canlynol:
 Pa mor gyfforddus ydych chi wrth asesu Gweithgarwch Corfforol yn y cwricwlwm newydd?Pa gefnogaeth fyddai arnoch ei hangen i ddeall camau asesu / cynnydd er mwyn deall y MDaPh Iechyd a Lles yn well?Ydych chi wedi defnyddio Traciwr y Ddraig Chwaraeon Cymru o’r blaen? Os felly, a oedd yn ddefnyddiol / buddiol i chi? 
Byddai’r ymchwil yn cynnwys cwblhau holiadur gwybodaeth a thrafodaeth (hyd at 90 munud) gyda’n hymgynghorwyr addysg.
Os hoffech chi gymryd rhan yn yr ymchwil hwn er mwyn deall y MDaPh Iechyd a Lles yn well, e-bostiwch
Fel arwydd o’n diolch am gymryd rhan yn yr ymchwil hwn rydym hefyd yn cynnig gweminar ar-lein am ddim (ar ddyddiad i’w gadarnhau) gyda Dr Liz Durden-Myers, Will Swaithes a’r Tîm yn PE Scholar i rannu arferion gorau gan gydweithwyr yng Nghymru. Byddwn yn rhannu’n benodol ddulliau arloesol o gynllunio’r cwricwlwm ac asesu gydag enghreifftiau real o Ysgolion Cymru. Mae hwn yn gyfle na ddylid ei golli.

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