PE Insights Episode 20: Tommy Bell – Challenging the status quo


In this thought-provoking podcast episode, the host, Nathan Walker, invites the listeners to delve into the personal and professional journey of an experienced PE teacher and Director of Sport, Tommy Bell (Tom). The narrative unfolds through the lens of education, family, and the evolution of physical education.

Family Roots and School Days to Professional Growth as a PE teacher

Tom highlights the foundational role of a supportive family network in shaping his educational journey. Navigating through school, Tom reminisces about being a “beige student” with a love for physical education. School experiences, particularly in sports and competition, laid the groundwork for his passion for PE. Pivotal moments with educational role models ignited Tom’s resilience and determination. The journey unfolds from GCSE PE to university, culminating in the decision to pursue a career in PE teaching. The narrative then depicts Tom’s growth as a PE teacher, head of PE, and Director of Sport in international settings.

Comfort in the Status Quo

Tom explores the inertia that can permeate physical education departments. He questions whether PE teachers and departments, once comfortable with their practices, are less inclined to seek change. This resistance, he suggests, may arise from a perceived lack of time. Tom draws an analogy with mundane tasks in daily life, equating a working lawnmower to a proven PE curriculum. He challenges this mindset, asserting that, in the dynamic field of education, evolution is imperative.

Challenging the Status Quo

Tom articulates a vision for physical education, emphasising the importance of adaptability and contextual understanding. He challenges the traditional dichotomy between PE and sports, advocating for a holistic approach that prioritises individual needs, engagement, and lifelong learning. Tom encourages educators to question norms, drive positive change, and share experiences.

Adapting to Rapid Changes

Tom accentuates the swift evolution in education, both in terms of student dynamics and our understanding of their physical and mental well-being. He emphasises the need for PE teachers to adapt, even if it requires investing time in reading books or engaging with podcasts. The discussion pivots on efficient time use, encouraging educators to share valuable insights in department meetings. Tom advocates for the incorporation of diverse voices, including those of students and parents, in shaping PE offerings.

Questioning the Norms

Playing devil’s advocate, Tom probes the mindset of PE teachers, urging them to ask profound questions about their teaching practices. He champions a culture of reflection and continuous improvement, challenging educators to consider broader, more impactful changes. The discourse revolves around creating an environment where novice and experienced teachers collaborate, leveraging diverse perspectives for powerful outcomes. The underlying theme is that embracing different perspectives can lead to powerful collaborations and meaningful professional development.


This conversation provides a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities for change in physical education. Tom discusses the need for continuous reflection, data-driven decision-making, and the importance of understanding one’s educational context. Tom’s insights inspire educators to question, evolve, and collaborate, fostering an environment where every member contributes to the growth and improvement of PE practices.

About the Guest

Tommy Bell is an experienced PE teacher, HOD, and Director of Sport, with international experience in Qatar and Thailand and leadership of PE & Sport in British independent schools.

Listen and Connect

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