PE Insights Episode 29: Phil Cocks – Four Mantras for Teaching and Learning

PE insights podcast


Welcome to another episode review of the PE Insights podcast, in which Nathan Walker engages in conversations about physical education. In this episode, we delve into the journey and insights of Phil Cocks, a physical education teacher and senior leader with responsibility for teaching and learning. The conversation revolved around the challenges of teaching and learning, with a focus on the importance of connecting with people, prioritising cultural development, and being open-minded. Phil emphasised the value of building positive relationships, creating a consistent and secure learning environment, and choosing the right pedagogical approach. He also discussed the importance of clear explanations and demonstrations in PE lessons, as well as the balance between teacher talk and student movement. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for collaboration and open-mindedness in improving education.

Educational Journey

Currently a deputy head at a large secondary school, Phil oversees teaching, learning, Key Stage 4 and 5 outcomes, and middle leadership development across the trust. His educational journey began in a working-class background, attending a standard primary school and a comprehensive school in a tough area. He was the first in his family to attend sixth form college and university, where he completed a four-year PE teaching degree. Despite the competitiveness in the PE teaching field, he secured a job at a sports college in Wiltshire, which provided a strong foundation in pedagogy and teaching. A key mentor during this time, a deputy head and geography teacher, emphasised the importance of ambition, progression, and having a broader impact.

Career Progression

Phil’s career progressed rapidly. He moved to a large secondary school in South Bristol, working with two inspirational leaders to transform the school. Initially head of PE, he quickly joined the senior leadership team (SLT) at 29, a challenge he embraced. The school thrived, becoming oversubscribed and serving as a model for others. Leadership lessons learned included leading by example, attention to detail, and the importance of culture in school improvement. After 10 years, Phil sought new challenges, moving to a larger school with a big sixth form and focusing on building teams and long-term school improvement strategies. He is currently preparing for headship.

Importance of PE

PE and sport have been constants in Phil’s life, providing numerous opportunities. Initially aspiring to be a maths teacher, his talent in sports, especially cricket, led him to PE. Sports provided leadership opportunities, personal growth, and lifelong connections. He highlights the importance of team sports in teaching life skills such as winning, losing, teamwork, and resilience. Phil continues to play cricket and values the relationships and networks formed through sports, which he believes are unique to PE.

PE Lessons Philosophy

Phil emphasises quality movement, skill development, and the softer skills of teamwork, respect, and positive relationships in his PE lessons. He focuses on mutual respect, positive interactions, and the importance of working with different people. These lessons aim to instil both physical skills and life skills, promoting a holistic approach to education through PE.

Importance of Teacher Clarity in PE Lessons

Phil advocates the importance of clarity in teacher demonstrations and explanations in PE lessons. He argues that while some believe teacher talk can be excessive, the real issue often lies in the lack of clarity rather than the quantity of words. Precise, concise instructions help students understand what is expected of them, leading to better quality movement and fewer behavioural issues. Experienced teachers, in particular, can quickly adapt their explanations to ensure all students grasp the tasks, demonstrating deep subject knowledge.

Balance of Activities in PE Lessons

Phil acknowledges the pressure trainee teachers feel to ensure continuous physical activity in PE lessons. However, he stresses that teacher demonstrations, modelling, and explanations are equally crucial and should not be undervalued. Effective learning involves initial periods of detailed teacher talk to set the foundation for quality movement, which can then lead to increased physical activity as students become more competent and confident.

Judging Learning Over Time

Learning should be judged over a period rather than in snapshots. Observing a lesson for a short duration may not provide an accurate picture of student learning. Phil advocates for regular, visible visits to lessons to understand the long-term learning trajectory. He cautions against making quick judgements based on brief observations, as effective teaching involves balancing various elements, including teacher talk and physical activity, depending on the lesson’s goals and students’ needs.

PE Teacher Collaboration and Continuous Learning

The PE profession has evolved to foster greater collaboration. Phil encourages PE teachers, especially novices, to connect with peers, share ideas, and learn from the best. He highlights the value of professional networks, podcasts, and online platforms in promoting PE and sharing innovative practices.

Open-Mindedness and Professional Growth

Phil advises PE teachers to remain open-minded and avoid dismissing new ideas prematurely. He stresses the importance of evaluating different pedagogical approaches objectively, considering what works best for their specific context. This openness allows teachers to continuously improve their practice and better support their students.

The Four Mantras for Teaching and Learning

  1. Be Brilliant at the Boring: Establish strong routines and consistencies to create a secure learning environment.
  2. Know Your Onions: Develop deep subject knowledge and understanding of students, dedicating time to subject development and student profiles.
  3. Plan Learning, Not Lessons: Focus on lesson sequencing and responsive teaching, planning for effective learning over time.
  4. Minutes Matter: Maximise classroom time with effective pedagogy, ensuring every minute is productive and impactful.

By following these principles, PE teachers can create effective, engaging lessons and foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.


Phil’s journey highlights the importance of connecting with people, learning from mentors, and fostering a positive culture. He advocates for simplifying complex teaching and leadership challenges through clear strategies and mantras that drive school improvement and student success.

About the Guest

Today’s episode is a conversation with the fantastic Phil Cocks. Phil is a physical education teacher and now senior leader with a responsibility for teaching and learning. He is also an Education Consultant for PE Scholar. You can connect with Phil directly via X at @PhilCocks1

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