E in PE Challenge – PE Remote Learning

With everyone back to planning remote PE lessons we wanted to focus on the “E in PE” and promote meaningful PE experiences at home (moving beyond the typical or one dimensional fitness based activities which for some may not be as inclusive as it could be and limits physical education as a purely physical endeavour). To that end we are launching a competition where our network can create a home learning activity focussing on a high quality learning experience through physical activity. And the winning idea will receive a range of prizes from us. If you are interested in participating in our #EinPE challenge the information / instructions are as follows.


  1. Watch the video below
  2. Download the activity template
  3. Submit your idea to support@pescholar.com
  4. Finally, reply to this tweet with screen shot of your activity

Prizes to be won for most liked idea by Feb half term

Challenge Introduction


Download the Template

Click here to download the remote learning template.

Submitted Ideas So Far…

Games – Dexterity and Determination – Will Swaithes

Athletics – Balance and Control – Lewis Bailey

Gymnastics – Balance and Self-Confidence – Ahmed Shabban

OAA – Map Reading – Shannon Hewes

Movement Literacy – Goal Setting and Anatomy – Georgia Hird

Netball – Coordination and Improved Target Practice – Shannon Hews and Rebecca Taylor

Games (Fundamentals) – Dexterity and Determination – Cristina Richards

Badminton – On Court Movement – Amy Winter

Target Games – Accuracy and Motivation – Georgia Sheppard

Striking and Fielding, Net / Wall – Hitting for contact, distance, accuracy – Natasha Cooper

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