Online Book Launch! Time to RISE Up: Supporting Students’ Mental Health in Schools

Time to RISE Up: Supporting Students' Mental Health in Schools

Wednesday 26th of June – 16:30-17:00 BST

Are you ready to transform your approach to education and student wellbeing? If so, join us for our live online book launch of ‘Time to RISE Up’ which offers a transformative guide to prioritising student mental health and wellbeing alongside academic success!

Event Overview

The “Time To Rise Up” book launch event discussed the importance of supporting students’ mental health and general well-being in schools. The book, authored by Neil Moggan, aims to provide practical strategies backed by research to help educators address the growing mental health concerns among students.

Key Points Discussed

  1. Introduction and Motivation for the Book:
    • Neil Moggan, a teacher with 15 years of experience, was inspired to write the book due to the declining mental health of students he observed since 2010.
    • The book aims to equip teachers with early intervention strategies for mental well-being in schools.
  2. Life Expectancy and Socioeconomic Disparities:
    • Neil highlighted a 13-year life expectancy difference for children in low socioeconomic areas, in his local area, emphasising the importance of addressing underlying issues through education and support.
  3. Book Structure and Key Topics:
    • The book is divided into four parts: analysing the evidence of declining mental health, early intervention programs, trauma-informed practice, and strategies for post-lockdown education.
    • Key topics include polyvagal theory, trauma-informed practice, and the role of physical activity in supporting mental health.
  4. Polyvagal Theory:
    • Developed by Dr. Steven Porges, polyvagal theory explains how the nervous system responds to stress, impacting behaviour and social interactions.
    • Understanding this theory helps teachers create a safe and engaging learning environment.
  5. Trauma-Informed Practice:
    • Based on the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma-informed practice involves recognising the prevalence of trauma, understanding its impact on behaviour, and treating students with respect and kindness to support their recovery.
  6. Physical Activity and Mental Health:
    • The book introduces the “RISE” acronym (Repeaters, Inclusive Teams, Stress busters, Energisers) to help teachers incorporate physical activities that support mental well-being.
    • Activities include repetitive exercises, team sports, stress-relieving exercises, and high-energy activities.
  7. Application and Impact:
    • The book provides practical strategies and reflective questions for teachers to implement in various contexts.
    • Success stories from teachers who have applied these strategies demonstrate their positive impact on student well-being.
  8. Final Messages and Hopes for the Book:
    • The primary goal is to save lives and improve mental health outcomes for students.
    • The book encourages educators to reflect on their practices and join a community dedicated to supporting students’ mental health.

Q&A Highlights

  • Body and Face and Sports Sanctuaries:
    • The importance of facial expressions and body language in creating a safe classroom environment.
    • Sports sanctuaries as a way to help students regulate emotions through physical activity.
  • Challenges and Enjoyable Aspects of Writing:
    • Neil shared that writing the book was both challenging and enjoyable, with his favourite sections reflecting on positive teaching experiences and impactful trauma-informed practices.
  • Future Aspirations:
    • Neil hopes the book will inspire educators to adopt these strategies, creating a supportive environment for students’ mental health.

The event concluded with a focus on the transformative potential of the book’s strategies and the importance of educator intentionality in promoting student well-being.

Get your copy!

For more information

  • Email us at for multiple copies or department /school workshops.
  • Contact Neil directly via

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