Dumfries & Galloway IJB – Health & Social Care Strategic Plan – 2016-2019

This strategic plan was developed by the Dumfries & Galloway Integration Joint Board (IJB) after consulting with, and listening to, people who use services, their families, carers, members of the public, people who work in health and social care, and third and independent sector partner organisations. It sets out the case for change, priority areas of focus, challenges and opportunities, and their commitments over the next three years. The financial context for this and how they propose to measure progress on achieving outcomes is included within part 2 of the plan.

Taking a people-centred approach, with a community focus, that empowers people and provides greater resilience, choice and control, is essential to achieving their vision. This plan provides a framework for people to develop new relationships, new partnerships and new cultures. This in turn will create opportunities for different conversations that lead to innovative solutions that address key challenges such as reducing health inequalities.

This is the first strategic plan for the Dumfries and Galloway IJB. Every year they will produce a delivery plan which will describe the progress that they expect to make in the year ahead.
