We’re thrilled to introduce our new poster, designed to foster a welcoming and respectful environment for all. Inclusive language matters, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that every student feels valued and accepted in physical education. This poster is a reminder of the power of words. Remind all students of the expectations when communicating in PE and promote the use of inclusive language, celebrating diversity, and making PE a place where every individual can thrive.
Further equality, diversity and inclusion resources and information
Here at PE Scholar, we aim to bring you expert advice, resources and research evidence on the topics that matter to PE teachers. Take a look below at a selection of items that address equality, diversity and inclusion in PE
Inspirational Sport Posters Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Wheelchair basketball student worksheets
Wheelchair rugby student worksheets
Neurodiversity insight series: What is neurodiversity and why is it important that PE teachers understand it?
A blog post on PE Refusers – prevention is as important as the cure?
Teaching with Heart – A British Asian Perspective
Inclusive PE for SEND Children book review
Teaching Disabled Children in PE book review
Pedagogies of Social Justice book review
Female Body Bible book review
Who’s included and who’s not? An analysis of instruments that measure teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education research paper
Understanding Girls’ Motivation to Participate in Sport: The Effects of Social Identity and Physical Self-Concept research paper
Reconceptualising Disabilities and Inclusivity for the Postdigital Era research paper
Including pupils with SEN and/or disabilities in mainstream secondary PE research paper