Netball Activity Prompt Card
Netball activity prompt card outlining the essential rules, common misconceptions, key skills and teaching points. The key skills include shooting, passing, footwork and player positions. -
Gymnastics Resource Pack
We have worked with Cat Daly to produce a fantastic resource pack full of ideas for delivery of curriculum gymnastics. If you are interested in… -
OAA Resource Pack
We have worked with Bryn Evans to produce a fantastic resource pack full of ideas for delivery of Outdoor Adventurous Activities. If you are interested… -
Concept Curriculum Lesson Templates
There is no one size fits all concept curriculum. Context is key! The needs of students in one school, might be very different to the… -
Developmental Faculty Review Toolkit
I have had the pleasure of carrying out quite a number of PE department reviews over the last couple of years to help schools reflect… -
Ofsted Deep Dive Preparation
As curriculum lead for physical education you will need to ensure you have a full and accurate picture of what is happening in PE lessons… -
Student Voice Survey
We know that the best physical education programmes are co-constructed with input from students to help ensure provision is best matched to individual attitudes, motivations… -
Volleyball Activity Prompt Card
This Volleyball activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and key teaching points for… -
Handball Activity Prompt Card
This Handball activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and key teaching points for… -
Wellbeing Poster
Want to initiate more conversations between all staff, their students and wellbeing? This poster has worked really well alongside the ‘this month I am reading… -
PE Lesson Self-Assessment Reflection Worksheets
Enhance your physical education programme with our Adaptable PE Student Reflection Worksheets. These versatile resources support a holistic assessment framework by encouraging students to reflect on their physical… -
PE Concept Curriculum Quick Lesson Plan Template
What is a Concept Curriculum? The PE Concept curriculum (CC) is an approach to curriculum design that incorporates “big ideas” that span multiple subject areas or disciplines. A…