Sprinting Activity Prompt Card
Sprinting Activity Prompt Card This Sprint Athletics activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions… -
Rounders Activity Prompt Card
Rounders Activity Card This Rounders activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and key… -
Middle Distance Activity Prompt Card
Middle Distance Activity Prompt Card This Middle Distance activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common… -
Discus Activity Prompt Card
Discus Activity Prompt Card This Discus activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and… -
Shot Put Activity Prompt Card
Shot Put Activity Prompt Card This Shot Put activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common… -
Javelin Activity Prompt Card
Javelin Activity Prompt Card This Javelin activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and… -
Sport Education Athletics
It has always frustrated me how athletics looks in so many schools – a complex schedule of rotating different classes around the various events with… -
Developmental Faculty Review Toolkit
I have had the pleasure of carrying out quite a number of PE department reviews over the last couple of years to help schools reflect… -
Ofsted Deep Dive Preparation
As curriculum lead for physical education you will need to ensure you have a full and accurate picture of what is happening in PE lessons… -
Student Voice Survey
We know that the best physical education programmes are co-constructed with input from students to help ensure provision is best matched to individual attitudes, motivations… -
Volleyball Activity Prompt Card
This Volleyball activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and key teaching points for… -
Handball Activity Prompt Card
This Handball activity prompt card has been created to give a broad overview of the most important rules, common misconceptions and key teaching points for…