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  • Dodgeball Variations

    A range of Dodgeball Variations that can be used to encourage cognitive skills to overcome problems and create/devise game tactics and strategies.
  • GCSE PE Revision Sheets

    Revision broadsheets that can be enlarged to A3 Size for students to complete as revision.
  • Traditional Playground Games

    This resource provides a range of playground games that can be used during PE lessons or as lunch / break time activities. Games include: Oranges…
  • CPD Physical Education Audit

    CPD audit for fellow physical education colleagues at my own school and my partnership schools to complete. This has enabled me to design a CPD programme that suits the needs of individual schools and members of staff, by using the experience and expertise already in existence within the school sports partnership.
  • Ultimate Frisbee General Information

    A collection of resources that cover a range of areas such as tactics, rules, specific skills and general gameplay. These resources are ideal for teachers wanting to understand how to deliver or coach ultimate frisbee as a sporting activity
  • HRE Resource Cards

    A selection of HRE resource cards that can be used within lessons or as part of an extra-curricular club. Includes HRE Poster, Training Zone Chart, Circuit Record Card, and Resting HR and Recovery Rate.
  • OAA Resources

    Here are a number of OOA orienteering and problem solving resources that can be used within KS3 and KS4 lessons or extra curricular clubs such as Duke of Edinburgh.
  • Ultimate Frisbee Different Grips

    Here is some information on the different ways in which you can hold the frisbee. This is more a teacher resource for ultimate frisbee than a pupil one.
  • Penalty Corner – Hockey Resource Card

    The first resource outlines when a penalty corner is awarded and how it should be carried out. It could be used as a non-participant resource or as an aid for umpires within lessons or extra curricular clubs...
  • Raft Building OAA Resource Cards

    These resource cards can be used to help assist the delivery of an OAA raft building lesson. The first resource card illustrates and describes how to tie four different types of knots. The second resource card can be used when designing the raft and deciding what equipment to use.
  • Orienteering Contour Matching Exercise

    This orienteering resource card is ideal for OAA or geography lessons, pupils have to match the contour lines to the correct landscape formation. This would be an excellent starter activity.
  • Medley Swimming Pyramids

    This resource has three different medley swimming pyramids for three different abilities. It normally takes around 30mins to complete.