Resource Card

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  • Sochi Winter Olympics Resource

    Presentation about the Sochi Winter Olympics, the different sports (including worksheets for pupils) and GB medal hopes and results.
  • Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTs)

    A copy of the Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTs) framework. PLTs can aid the development of holistic learners, equipping students with the skills to become independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self managers and effective participants.
  • Key Concepts and Key Processes Posters

    Key concepts and key processes posters outlining the National Curriculum to support learning objectives and refer back to during mini-pleneries.
  • Solo Taxonomy – What is it and how do you use it?

    This resource is designed to explain what solo taxonomy is and how to use it within lessons. The first resource is a lesson resource that…
  • Olympic Sports Posters

    Here are a selection of Olympic Sport Posters that can be used to decorate your PE department, changing rooms, gyms and office. Includes 29 different sports.
  • Lesson Plan and Reflection Template

    A dynamic lesson plan template to complete either prior to lessons or to engage students by getting them to complete sections within the lesson.
  • Netball Essentials Resource Cards

    Here are some Netball essentials including: score cards, court markings, and attacking statistic resource cards that can be used when umpiring, coaching and teaching Netball during lessons and extra curricular clubs.
  • Handball Resources

    A selection of handball resources that could be used to assist lesson planning or as student resources. Suitable for both key stage three and key stage four age groups. The resources consist of practice and drill ideas, rules, and umpiring signals as well as court dimensions and tactical objectives of specific positions.
  • Rock ‘n’ Roll and Charleston Dance Work Cards

    A couple of resource cards that can aid the teaching of Rock 'n' Roll lifts and Charleston dance moves. They can be used to assist planning or for student work cards.
  • GCSE / AS Muscles and Movement

    Resources that can be used to teach GCSE or AS Physical Education. The PowePoint presentations cover isometric and isotonic muscle contractions, muscle fibre types, muscular system and the different types of muscle. There are also two student handouts that can be used with the PowerPoint presentations.
  • Famous Sports Men and Women Past and Present

    A number of posters of famous sports men and women from the past and present. These are ideal for changing room displays, classroom displays or just for improving sporting general knowledge.
  • Respiratory System – Anatomy & Physiology

    This PowerPoint presentation and accompanying worksheet covers the layout of the respiratory system, mechanics of breathing, the nasal system, the structure of the lungs, breathing during exercise, and lactic acid production.