Is Physical Education in Crisis?: Leading a Much-Needed Change in Physical Education [Paperback]


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The ‘traditional’ sport-driven, performance obsessed and arguably elitist delivery of physical education (PE) has, for many years, remained resistant to change. Why is that? Across the globe, obesity levels are rising, mental health concerns are sky-rocketing and physical activity participation rates continue to fall far short of CMO guidelines for so many. Meanwhile, PE curriculum time is being further marginalised in schools. At a time when inspiring and instilling healthy active habits in all young people could not be more important, what responsibility can we take as current custodians of the subject? Has the true value of our subject been lost or failed to evolve with the needs and motivations of our students? Is PE recognised as anything more than a basket of sports that is loved by some and hated by others? In other words, is PE in crisis?

In this book we challenge and support you to consider the following:

  • Is your current PE curriculum provision meeting your personal philosophy or ‘why’ for PE?
  • Does your day-to-day offer meet your departments curriculum intent?
  • Do you fully understand and nurture physical literacy?
  • Do you meet the needs of all students or just little versions of yourself?
  • Does your offer genuinely prepare all students for their life beyond school?
  • Is PE equally valued by all at your school?

If the answer to any of the above questions is no, then surely it is time to change! PE has the potential to provide all students with the tools to live longer, feel happier and communicate more effectively. PE has the power to help you lead and be led, deal with stress, embrace failure and so much more.